Pros and Cons of 90 Day Transactional Funding


Pros and Cons of 90 Day Transactional Funding

Transactional funding, particularly in real estate, has become a popular financing option for investors engaged in quick property flips or double closings. Among the various forms of short-term financing available, 90-day transactional funding stands out for its specific timeframe and conditions. Like any financial tool, it comes with its set of advantages and drawbacks, which potential users must consider carefully. Let’s delve into the pros and cons of 90-day transactional funding:


Facilitates Quick Deals: One of the primary advantages of 90-day transactional funding is its ability to facilitate swift real estate transactions. This type of funding is designed for short-term use, allowing investors to quickly acquire and sell properties without tying up their own capital.

No Credit or Income Requirements: Unlike traditional loans, transactional funding typically does not require borrowers to meet stringent credit or income criteria. Instead, the focus is primarily on the property’s value and the feasibility of the deal, making it accessible to investors with varying financial backgrounds.

Minimal Upfront Costs: With transactional funding, investors often pay a fee based on the amount borrowed and the duration of the loan. Compared to traditional financing options, the upfront costs are usually lower, enabling investors to conserve their capital for other investments or expenses.

Flexible Terms: Transactional funding agreements can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the transaction. This flexibility allows investors to negotiate terms that align with their objectives and timelines, enhancing their ability to execute profitable deals efficiently.

Mitigates Risks: By providing short-term financing for simultaneous transactions, 90-day transactional funding helps mitigate various risks associated with real estate investing. It allows investors to secure properties without committing to long-term debt obligations, reducing exposure to market fluctuations and unforeseen challenges.


Higher Costs: While transactional funding offers flexibility and convenience, it typically comes with higher fees compared to traditional financing options. The cost of borrowing can vary depending on factors such as the lender, the amount borrowed, and the duration of the loan, potentially eating into the investor’s profits.

Limited Timeframe: As the name suggests, 90-day transactional funding comes with a fixed timeframe, typically lasting up to 90 days. This limited window can add pressure on investors to complete their transactions within the specified timeline, potentially resulting in rushed decisions or missed opportunities.

Potential Complexity: Coordinating simultaneous transactions, such as double closings, can be complex and may require meticulous planning and execution. Investors must ensure that all parties involved, including buyers, sellers, and title companies, are on board with the transactional funding arrangement to avoid complications or delays.

Market Dependency: The success of real estate transactions financed through transactional funding is inherently tied to market conditions. Fluctuations in the housing market or unforeseen economic factors can impact the feasibility and profitability of deals, posing risks to investors relying heavily on short-term financing.

Not Suitable for Long-Term Investments: While transactional funding is ideal for quick property flips or double closings, it may not be suitable for long-term investment strategies. Investors looking to hold properties for extended periods may find traditional financing options more appropriate, as they offer lower interest rates and longer repayment terms.

90-day transactional funding can be a valuable tool for investors seeking to capitalize on short-term real estate opportunities. Its ability to facilitate quick transactions, minimal upfront costs, and flexibility make it an attractive option in certain scenarios. However, investors must carefully weigh the associated costs, timeframe limitations, and potential complexities before opting for transactional funding. By understanding the pros and cons, investors can make informed decisions that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance levels.

Additional Considerations:

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Investors utilizing transactional funding must ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements governing real estate transactions. Failure to adhere to these regulations could result in legal complications or financial penalties, emphasizing the importance of due diligence and working with experienced professionals.

Risk of Non-Approval: While transactional funding does not typically require credit checks or income verification, lenders still assess the viability of the proposed transaction. There’s a risk that lenders may decline funding if they perceive the deal to be too risky or if the property does not meet certain criteria, potentially disrupting the investor’s plans.

Impact on Profit Margins: The cost of transactional funding, including fees and interest rates, directly affects the investor’s profit margins. Investors must carefully evaluate the potential returns of the transaction against the expenses associated with transactional funding to ensure that the deal remains financially viable.

Market Volatility and Uncertainty: Real estate markets are inherently subject to volatility and uncertainty, which can impact the success of transactions financed through transactional funding. Investors should conduct thorough market research and risk assessments to gauge the stability and growth potential of the market before committing to a deal.

Exit Strategy: It’s crucial for investors to have a clear exit strategy in place when utilizing transactional funding. Whether it involves selling the property quickly, securing alternative financing, or renegotiating terms, having a contingency plan can help mitigate risks and ensure a smooth transition out of the investment.

Reputation and Relationships: Successfully executing transactions with transactional funding relies on building and maintaining strong relationships with lenders, sellers, buyers, and other stakeholders. Reputation within the real estate community can play a significant role in securing favorable deals and accessing financing on favorable terms.

In summary, while 90-day transactional funding offers numerous benefits for investors engaged in short-term real estate transactions, it’s essential to carefully evaluate its pros and cons in the context of individual investment objectives and risk tolerance. By understanding the intricacies of transactional funding, conducting thorough due diligence, and implementing effective risk management strategies, investors can leverage this financing option to capitalize on lucrative real estate opportunities while minimizing potential drawbacks. Ultimately, informed decision-making and prudent financial management are key to maximizing the benefits of 90-day transactional funding in the dynamic and competitive real estate market.

Further considerations regarding 90-day transactional funding:

Market Trends and Timing: Timing plays a crucial role in the success of real estate transactions financed through transactional funding. Investors must stay attuned to market trends, including supply and demand dynamics, interest rates, and economic indicators, to identify opportune moments for buying and selling properties. Strategic timing can enhance the profitability of transactions and minimize risks associated with market fluctuations.

Due Diligence and Property Evaluation: Conducting thorough due diligence and property evaluations is paramount when utilizing transactional funding. Investors should assess factors such as property condition, market comparables, potential renovation costs, and resale value to accurately gauge the profitability and feasibility of the transaction. Rigorous due diligence minimizes the risk of unforeseen challenges or losses during the investment process.

Exit Strategy Flexibility: While transactional funding is primarily designed for short-term transactions, investors should maintain flexibility in their exit strategies. Market conditions or unexpected developments may necessitate adjustments to the original plan, such as extending the holding period, renegotiating terms with buyers or sellers, or exploring alternative exit options. Flexibility allows investors to adapt to changing circumstances and optimize the outcome of the transaction.

Professional Guidance and Expertise: Engaging experienced real estate professionals, such as real estate agents, attorneys, and financial advisors, can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the transactional funding process. These professionals can offer expertise in areas such as contract negotiations, legal compliance, risk management, and strategic decision-making, enhancing the likelihood of successful outcomes and mitigating potential pitfalls.

Portfolio Diversification: While transactional funding can be a lucrative strategy for generating short-term profits, investors should also consider diversifying their real estate portfolios to mitigate risk and optimize long-term returns. Diversification may involve investing in different types of properties, geographic locations, or investment strategies, thereby spreading risk and capitalizing on diverse market opportunities.

Long-Term Financial Planning: Incorporating transactional funding into a comprehensive long-term financial plan requires careful consideration of its impact on overall financial goals and objectives. Investors should assess how transactional funding fits within their broader investment strategy, risk tolerance, and financial aspirations, ensuring alignment with long-term wealth accumulation and preservation goals.

By taking into account these additional considerations, investors can navigate the complexities of 90-day transactional funding more effectively and maximize its potential benefits while minimizing risks. Strategic planning, diligent execution, and ongoing monitoring are essential components of a successful transactional funding strategy, enabling investors to capitalize on short-term real estate opportunities while safeguarding their financial interests for the future.